Posts tagged speaker

“ING used Perry extensively during our inaugural year as a Formula One sponsor to help provide an insight for both our media guests and key clients.

Perry's natural blend of knowledge, expertise and enthusiasm, coupled with humour and an engaging style enabled him to put complex subjects across easily and succinctly to a non-expert audience. He was a popular hit with clients and media, whether public speaking to large groups, or giving technical explanations on a one-on-one basis.

Perry was subsequently adopted by other business areas within the ING group, such as ING Life Insurance Russia and ING Real Estate in Holland, to successfully promote individual events and campaigns.”

Jon Tracey. PR Director, ING F1 Sponsorship Programme

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3B Digitalspeaker, business

“With Perry you can always guarantee that your guests are going to have a fun time. His ability to grab everyone’s attention and make them laugh has ensured that we book him on a regular basis.”

David Ingram - Audi PR Manager

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Coca-Cola’s Designated Driver campaign

“Perry was the ideal choice, his endorsement of the programme generated huge media coverage and interest throughout the country. Working with Perry was an absolute pleasure. He really understood and cared about what the programme aimed to achieve and he employed enthusiasm and professionalism throughout.

An enigmatic character Perry is also a superb speaker and this mixed with likability and his dynamic style, made him the perfect ambassador for our company on this occasion.”

Maire Campbell, Public Affairs and Communications Manager, Coca Cola

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Chelmsford College

“Perry came along and gave a lively talk on his experiences, both as an F1 driver and as the Stig. More importantly he talked to them about safety issues surrounding young drivers.

At Chelmsford College we have a large construction department in which many students fall into the 16 -19 age group. Perry proved very entertaining and the students bombarded him with questions throughout. He also brought along copies of his book and presented them to students, nominated by lecturers, for outstanding achievement.

Perry’s visit was extremely useful to us, as lecturers. We constantly strive to find topics and people which engage our students and really interest them. We hit on a winner with Perry and look forward to seeing him again in the future.”

Suzanne Smith, Manager, Key Skills Lecturer, Chelmsford College

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Thames Valley Police Driving School

“Perry visited the Thames Valley Police driving school but the idea needed to be run past our senior officers at HQ. It was only when I started asking people did I fully understand the 'Stig Effect'.

I had made some prior plans to try and give him a varied look at our training and methods. The first day was spent with me whilst I trained two students in the fine art of high speed road driving to the 'Police System'. Perry was an interested spectator who raised some very valid points with both the students and myself. The following morning was at our airfield facility at Upper Heyford. He experienced the fine art of J turning, a tactic we were teaching to a group of officers from our Royal Protection Unit. The final exercise was a timed run through our track based roadway, we all had a go, students, instructors and of course The Stig. Needless to say Perry turned in an unbeatable time.

The following morning I left Perry with one of our Roads Policing Officers, a chance for him to see what we teach put into practise. To sum up his time with us, I saw his friendly outgoing nature pull in everyone he came into contact with, a nice bloke with exceptional car handling skill and what I suspect is rare in a race driver: a real commitment to road safety, he genuinely wants everyone to be a great driver.”

Mike Harris, Police Constable 2957, Thames Valley Police Driving School

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RSM's Automobili Lamborghini event

“Thanks Perry: like all good men, you rose to the occasion on the night! A spot-on speech, beautifully crafted with just the right amount of humour. Not only did an international audience welcome having you there as 'anchor-man', but our client appreciated the way you understood the message they wanted to deliver, and integrated this with top audience entertainment. And from our point of view, you were a (diamond) pleasure to work with.”

Juliet Jarvis, Director of RSM ref Automobili Lamborghini event

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“A successful radio day was held to promote the results of a Garmin survey which revealed the ‘Top Ten Worst Roads in Britain’; the ‘Top Ten Best Roads in Britain’ and the ‘Top Five Most Memorable Drives’; as well as geographic and demographic comparisons. 16 interviews with Perry took place, resulting in coverage on radio stations including BBC Scotland, BBC Cumbria, BBC Cambridge, BBC Oxford and BBC Suffolk.”

Hannah Mercer. Garmin

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Auto Express & Evo

“I have been delighted to work with Perry on a number of very high profile events for Auto Express magazine and he's always delivered the goods professionally and above all entertainingly, prepared to do that little bit extra to make things work. We'll be working together again soon and I look forward to it!”

Phil Parker, Group Publishing Director, Auto Express & Evo

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AIA Berhad

“Just a short note to say thank you for being part of our kick off last week in Kuala Lumpur and I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did having you there. You and the team really connected which they appreciated immensely as some visitors get put off a little by this kind of attention however I know you’re not that shy! Please keep in touch.”

Bill Lisle. Chief Executive Officer. AIA Berhad

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De La Rue Identity Systems

“Perry was superb speaker at our recent business conference and mixed the perfect dose of fast paced humour, interest, business messages and fun! The delegates loved it and bombarded him with over half an hour of questions during the open session at the end of his speech! I am not sure how we will top this for next year!”

Claire Burrows, Marketing Manager, De La Rue Identity Systems

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Johnny Bute, Mount Stuart

“Perry McCarthy, race driver, author, raconteur and Business speaker’’ are but a few of his skills - believe everything you hear about him, and more! Perry is a larger than life character who has proved time and again that life holds no fears for him. He tackles each new hurdle with his own unique blend of tenacity and irreverent humour. I think he should run for Prime Minister!”

Johnny Bute, Mount Stuart

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“All our guests had so much fun. The chance to challenge the original Stig proved irresistible and is something they’ll remember for a very long time!”

Mark Pinnock, Managing Director, Madasco

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“Perry is the most fantastic after lunch speaker – extremely entertaining, exciting and humorous. The question and answer session was absolutely brilliant with participation from the whole room – not in the least contrived in any way. The rapport he had with his “audience” was nothing short of brilliant!”

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